Get to Know Dr. Jen Cosmas

During her dissertation research with the National Hockey League in 2000, Dr. Cosmas sustained a head injury caused by an ice hockey stick, which led to multiple concussions. She searched far and wide for treatment and relief from the sensation of dizziness and a host of symptoms associated with concussions. After discovering neurofeedback, her symptoms began to subside. The very first session completely eradicated the dizziness. Subsequent sessions taught her how to retrain her brain so she could respond more positively in certain situations and focus better.

After she obtained a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, she did research for both Aeronautics and Space at NASA. Professional athletes and astronauts are similar in that they both need to capitalize on their strengths, stay mentally and physically healthy, and must exhibit fortitude in order to remain elite. During her work at NASA Ames Jen came up with an idea for a video game that when played prior to a game, astronaut re-entry procedure, or long flight for airplane pilots, the player would obtain optimal arousal. The proposed game would also show how much mental arousal they had, thus indicating if they were ready to fly, play or blast through space.

Although she didn't move forward with the idea for the game, she remained interested in neuroscience. When she found out about the Brain Paint organization she was excited to focus on neurotherapies because Brain Paint takes her idea much farther, purporting actual change to one's brain. The field of neuroscience is tapping into understanding how the brain works and what we can do to optimize feelings, thinking, and performing.  Jen further educated herself about neurotherapy and the relationship between psychology and neurology. She believes combining the two could help others experience relief from pain, as well as from common mental and behavioral disorders.

Jen is taking three years of coursework in Buddhist Mysticism, which is based in sub nuclear energy. This qualifies her to train others in Buddhist Meditation, which shares tenets of Qigong. She is in a three month Health Practitioner training program for Doctor Joe Dispenza's quantum physics meditation community May- July 2024. This training will allow her to teach individuals about successful mindsets and explain steps towards achieving deep meditative states. Her research interests include Quantum Physics and the biological science involving wellness and healing through meditative practices.

Jen creates custom meditations for clients. Through a brief assessment discussion either in-person, online or phone, she creates a guided imagery for your exact areas of targeted wellness. This can be separate from neurofeedback entirely if a person would only like meditations.

Additionally, it's possible to have in-person, online or phone discussions separate from neurofeedback. With a masters in counseling psychology, a doctorate in clinical psychology, being a Brain Paint provider, research, and training in neuromodulating meditations, Dr. Cosmas has a wealth of clinical experience.


$300- Two hour intake, including goal setting, 90 software driven questions, and EEG gathering for your protocol

$120- One hour of office time.

Each neurofeedback session takes about an hour, which includes the actual neurofeedback and discussion. Custom guided imageries are billed at the same rate and generally include discussion to create the meditation, followed by doing the meditation in the office, which can be recorded on your personal device for personal use.